Tag Archives: prompts


I never know how exactly to start introducing myself. Of course it depends on context, I wouldn’t begin by listing my academic achievements at a friend’s birthday dinner or by detailing my family background on the first day of work. But the safe option of “Hello my name is … and here’s what I do” sounds so unimaginative.

So I thought it would be fun to come up with a list: what are some unexpected ways that you can introduce yourself?

  1. State some things that you dislike.
  2. Describe yourself using adjectives you wouldn’t use for dating apps.
  3. Share some positive observations you have about the people around you. (How you see other people can reflect a lot about yourself.)
  4. Tell the story of your most recent failure. And what you learned from it.
  5. Talk about what you want to do in the future instead of what you are doing now or what you have done in the past.
  6. Sing or rap your way through your spiel. Dance moves optional.
  7. Be concise and engaging, but don’t mention your name.

And that’s all she could think of tonight! Trying to post daily, whatever content that might be.

Thanks for reading,


Filed under Idle Thoughts